Lent 2008 - Allons en France!

Two years ago I decided to learn Portuguese for Lent as I was going to Brazil in the Summer. This year I'm off to France, so I thought I'd learn some French phrases instead. You can view all the Lent projects I've undertaken here.
Day of Lent
Learn a French Phrase
1 (6th Feb)Comment allez-vous? (How are you?)
2 (7th Feb)Très bien merci. (Very well thanks)
3 (8th Feb)Il n'y a pas de quoi. (You're welcome)
4 (9th Feb)Voici... (Here is/are...)
5 (10th Feb)Est-ce vous parlez anglais? (Do you speak English?)
6 (11th Feb)Est-ce vous pouvez m'aider? (Can you help me?)
7 (12th Feb)Je ne sais pas. (I don't know)
8 (13th Feb)Est-ce vous pouvez l'écrire? (Could you please write it down?)
9 (14th Feb)Désolé(e) (Sorry - expressing regret)
10 (15th Feb)Pardon (Sorry - apologising for a misunderstanding or disturbance)
11 (16th Feb)Excusez-moi. (Sorry - when politely stating disagreement)
12 (17th Feb)Laissez-moi tranquille. (Leave me alone)
13 (18th Feb)Une table pour deux, s'il vous plait (A table for two please)
14 (19th Feb)Nous aimerions du dessert (We would like dessert)
15 (20th Feb)Acceptez vous les cartes de crédit? (Do you accept credit cards?)
16 (21st Feb)Comment fait on pour aller à le supermarché? (How do you go to the supermarket?)
17 (22nd Feb)On veut payer, s'il vous plait. (I'd like to pay please)
18 (23rd Feb)Aidez-moi! (Help me!)
19 (24th Feb)J'ai besoin d'un câlin. (I need a hug.)
20 (25th Feb)Enchanté de faire votre connaissance. (Delighted to meet you.)
21 (26th Feb)Je suis perdu. (I'm lost)
22 (27th Feb)Où sont les toilettes? (Where are the toilets?)
23 (28th Feb)Vous voulez un sachet? (Do you want a bag?)
24 (29th Feb)Dans quel prix? (In what price range?)
25 (1st Mar)Je cherche quelque chose de moins cher. (I'm looking for something cheaper.)
26 (2nd Mar)Je regarde pour l'instant, merci. (I'm browsing for now thanks.)
27 (3rd Mar)Vous l'avez en magasin? (Do you have it in stock?)
28 (4th Mar)Combien ça coûte, le cabillaud. (How much for the cod.)
29 (5th Mar)Ça se peut. (That's possible.)
30 (6th Mar)Ça m'étonnerait. (I'd find that surprising.)
31 (7th Mar)Je dois regagner mes pénates. (I must be getting home.)
32 (8th Mar)La police, ne t'a pas encore trouvé? (Haven't the police found you yet?)
33 (9th Mar)Où faut-il signer? (Where do I have to sign?)
34 (10th Mar)Je crois qu'il y a une erreur dans l'addition. (I think there is a mistake in the bill.)
35 (11th Mar)Il faut téléphoner à la police. (We must call the police.)
36 (12th Mar)En quelle matière êtes-vous fort(e)? (What subject is your best?)
37 (13th Mar)Il est plus âgé que moi. (He is older than me.)
38 (14th Mar)J'ai un pneu crevé. (I have got a puncture.)
39 (15th Mar)Attachez vos cientures, s'il vous plaît. (Fasten your seat belts, please.)
40 (16th Mar)L'ayez! (Have it!) (Suggested by Rich)
41 (17th Mar)Je dois aller maintenant, ma giraffe est sur le feu. (I have to go now, my giraffe is on fire.) (Suggested by Rich)
42 (18th Mar)Avez-vous de la place pour une tente? (Do you have room for a tent?)
43 (19th Mar)Où est la station-service? (Where is the petrol station?)
44 (20th Mar)Je voudrais un avocat. (I would like a lawyer.)
45 (21st Mar)Oui oui oui. La RATP. (Yes yes yes. The autonomous transit operator of Paris.)
46 (22nd Mar)Vos enfants sont très beaux. Ils sont adoptes? (Your children are very attractive. Are they adopted?)
47 (23rd Mar)

Joyeuses Pàques!

Help with pronunciation can be found here.

Test yourself here.