Self Referential Puzzle

In some cases two answers may be valid to a particular question, but the one that is "correct" will be defined by another question.

Q1. How many questions have (a) as the correct answer?
        (a):4         (b):2         (c):3

Q2. How many questions have (b) as the correct answer?
        (a):2         (b):4         (c):3

Q3. How many even numbered questions have (c) as the
    correct answer?
        (a):1         (b):2         (c):3

Q4. What is the sum of the answer from Q1 and the answer
    from Q2?
        (a):5         (b):6         (c):7

Q5. What answer do both Q2 and Q6 have as wrong?
        (a):(a)       (b):(b)       (c):(c)

Q6. What answer do both Q3 and Q5 have as wrong?
        (a):(b)       (b):(c)       (c):(a)

Q7. If the answer to Q5 was "(c):(c)" what would the
    answer to Q6 be? (Ignoring the other questions)
        (a):"(b):(c)" (b):"(c):(a)" (c):"(a):(b)"

Q8. How many answers from Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 are even?
        (a):1         (b):2         (c):3

Q9. If the answer to Q2 was "(b):4" and the answer to
    Q3 was "(c):3" then (ignoring the statements in the
    other questions) at most how many questions could
    have (a) as the correct answer?
        (a):1         (b):2         (c):3

Q10. Which of the following is true?
        (a):The answer to Q10 is (a)
        (b):The answer to Q8 is (b)
        (c):The answer to Q10 is (c)

Insert answer as a list of letters (eg. abcabcabca)
