Lent 2011 - Alles Gute!

A while back I decided to learn Portuguese for Lent, later I tried to learn French. It's been a while since I attempted a lent challenge, but this year I'm aiming to learn German! You can view all the Lent projects I've undertaken here.
Day of Lent
Learn a German Phrase
1 (9th Mar)Wie sind Sie? (How are you?)
2 (10th Mar)Danke, gut. Und Sie? (Fine, thanks. And you?)
3 (11th Mar)Wie heißen Sie? (What is your name?)
4 (12th Mar)Ich heiße Tom (My name is Tom)
5 (13th Mar)Ich verstehe (das) nicht (I don't understand (that))
6 (14th Mar)Wo ist die Toilette? (Where is the toilet?) (voh ist dee twuh-let-tuh)
7 (15th Mar)Es ist nicht wichtig (It isn't important)
8 (16th Mar)Ich wohne in London (I live in London)
9 (17th Mar)Wie alt sind Sie? (How old are you?) (For example this video)
10 (18th Mar)Ich bin siebenundzwanzig Jahre alt. (I am twenty seven years old.) (For more numbers see here)
11 (19th Mar)Bitte sprechen Sie langsamer (Please speak more slowly)
12 (20th Mar)Es ist da (It is there)
13 (21st Mar)Könnte ich bitte ein Glas Wasser haben? (Could I have a glass of water, please?)
14 (22nd Mar)Das schmeckt gut! (That tastes good!) (It was delicious)
15 (23rd Mar)Freut mich (Pleased to meet you) (This is quite formal!)
16 (24th Mar)Entschuldigung (Excuse me)
17 (25th Mar)Hilfe! (Help!)
18 (26th Mar)Ich brauche ein Schmerzmittel (I need a painkiller)
19 (27th Mar)Kann ich Ihr Telefon benutzen? (Can I use your phone?)
20 (28th Mar)Um wieviel Uhr verlässt das Bus? (What time does the bus leave?)
21 (29th Mar)Ich weiß nicht (I don't know)
22 (30th Mar)Ich bin glücklich (I am happy)
23 (31st Mar)Ich bin krank (I am sick)
24 (1st Apr)Ich stelle mich krank (I am pretending to be sick)
25 (2nd Apr)Sind Sie müde? (Are you tired?)
26 (3rd Apr)Endschuldigung, ich muss gehen, meine Giraffe steht in Flammen (Excuse me, I have to go, my giraffe is on fire.)
27 (4th Apr)Ich bin müde. (I am tired.)
28 (5th Apr)Ich möchte eine Tasse Tee/Kaffee. (I would like a cup of tea/coffee.)
29 (6th Apr)Ich dusche mich jetzt. (I am going to have a shower now.)
30 (7th Apr)Was gibt's zum Frühstück? (What's for breakfast?)
31 (8th Apr)Guten Morgen! (Good morning!)
32 (9th Apr)Schlaf' gut. (Sleep well.)
33 (10th Apr)Möchtest du mit mir tanzen? (Would you like to dance with me?)
34 (11th Apr)Alles gute zum Geburtstag! (Happy Birthday!)
35 (12th Apr)Ich habe zu viel Schokolade gegessen. (I have eaten too much chocolate.)
36 (13th Apr)Wir sind lange geschwommen (We were swimming for a long time)
37 (14th Apr)Was kostet der Kabeljau? (How much does the cod cost?)
38 (15th Apr)Hast du Hobbys? (Do you have any hobbies?)
39 (16th Apr)Ich singe gern. (I like to sing.)
40 (17th Apr)Würde ich sterben, wenn ich das essen würde? (Would I die if I were to eat it?)
41 (18th Apr)Ich hasse dich! (I hate you!)
42 (19th Apr)Ich liebe dich. (I love you.)
43 (20th Apr)Ach, halt dein Mund. Du bist so nervig! (Ah, shut up. You're so annoying.)
44 (21st Apr)Ich gebe Ihnen drei Wünschen, wenn du mich loslässt. (I will give you three wishes if you let me go.)
45 (22nd Apr)Möchtest du mich heiraten? (Would you like to marry me?)
46 (23rd Apr)Wir sind aber schon verheiratet! (But we're already married!)
47 (24th Apr)

Frohe Ostern!

Help with pronunciation can be found here.

Test yourself here.